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  1. F

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    Yes but that version only gives "Segmentation fault" so not working.
  2. F


    I don't think so. A changed link will work as a new link so there is nothing you can do about it.
  3. F


    Not SBN but Kanal 10 and that's another christian channel.
  4. F


    That's because they changed streams from port 8080 to 80 so all streams is changed.
  5. F

    Best IPTV Client addon?

    If someone wants to try TVHeadend it's easy to do with an LibreELEC install on boxes that supports it but i still recommend something more powerful than a small box.
  6. F

    Best IPTV Client addon?

    TVheadend works fine but needs little work for everything to work and some important settings that needs to be done like setting maximum input streams to 1 and turn off all types of automatic scanning.
  7. F

    The best IPTV player for PC and Android

    IPTV Extreme gives Teletext but it doesn't remember the choice so you have to activate it on all channels every time. If you have Android TV this one gives Teletext https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=by.stari4ek.tvirl&hl=sv
  8. F

    Raspberry Pi Technical Issues

    You could also try change in Live TV settings for how many days you want EPG. If you have problems you could EPG for 1 day.
  9. F

    Epg dreambox

    Best option is this https://www.suls.co.uk/enigma2-iptv-bouquets-with-epg/
  10. F


    Rytec tvgid's is used for the EPG that is used on Enigma2 boxes and i think xtream-editor also uses rytec epg sources.
  11. F

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    What happens if you stop the stream and wait a few seconds before starting a new channel? Probably it doesn't drop the 2nd connection fast enough before new connection is opened.
  12. F


    Kanal 10 exists but that's an christian channel and this is not that one.
  13. F


    Probably because it's wrong name on RAPID. Kanal 10 SE when it should be TV10 SE
  14. F


    Now with more new US channels added maybe you could add them to your EPG.
  15. F

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    It works with this atleast https://www.suls.co.uk/enigma2-iptv-bouquets-with-epg/
  16. F

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    Yes remove unwanted bouquets in your dashboard.
  17. F

    Epg dreambox

    You can add overrides to get EPG for missing channels but ofcourse need some work. Haven't been looked at that yet because with Rapid + ESTIPTV i get EPG on most important channels for me.
  18. F


    No just choose RAPIDIPTV with your username and password in the plugin.
  19. F


    Install this version and it will work https://github.com/su1s/e2m3u2bouquet/releases/download/v0.6.3/enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet_0.6.3_all.ipk
  20. F

    Epg dreambox

    Here is 0.6.3 plugin https://github.com/su1s/e2m3u2bouquet/releases/download/v0.6.3/enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet_0.6.3_all.ipk Or if you prefer command version https://github.com/su1s/e2m3u2bouquet/releases/download/v0.6.3/e2m3u2bouquet_v0.6.3.zip