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  1. F

    Epg dreambox

    Already have one for UK but it's very outdated now.
  2. F

    Epg dreambox

    Yes it worked but it's for another service except last one?
  3. F

    Epg dreambox

    I know it works with manual fix that's how i have done for now but not for all groups. This script does basically same thing automatic just that it uses own service references and IPTV services EPG data instead of Rytec. But it uses Rytecs EPG Importer to import data like manual way.
  4. F

    Epg dreambox

    It's no plugin it's a script that downloads EPG and makes bouquets. Or yes there is a plugin to configure it but the thing that download the EPG is a script so you don't need to download the plugin. Ofcourse you're welcome to give us your channel.xml data if you have it.
  5. F

    Epg dreambox

    This script reads Channel and EPG data from Xtream-Codes and makes own service references. That without any editor or anything but something is wrong with Rapid. Most IPTV services use Xtream-Codes.
  6. F

    Epg dreambox

    So how does the other work then? I have a few services and it 's same on all of them. And yes it's Xtream-Codes so it works the same as Rapid. The meaning of that script is to not need to edit any files.
  7. F

    Epg dreambox

    Yes i get EPG from that xmltv.php link if you put username and password there.
  8. F

    Epg dreambox

    I gave him information about links and it got added as RAPIDIPTV but still not working. I have tried a lot of US/CA services and have checked their links etc and it's same structure and everything on most of them (Xtream-Codes). Really strange when it should work.
  9. F

    Epg dreambox

    This is also an alternative but can't get it to work with Rapid. https://www.suls.co.uk/enigma2-iptv-bouquets-with-epg/
  10. F

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    In new dashboard you can add, change or delete mac address for MAG/Enigma2 boxes and you can have both M3U and MAG on 1 account but you can't use it at same time ofcourse.
  11. F

    Dreambox 500 HD with Newnigma2; Setting up for IPTV

    Haven't tested this but i found this script for Enigma2 boxes https://www.suls.co.uk/enigma2-iptv-bouquets-with-epg/
  12. F

    Dreambox 500 HD with Newnigma2; Setting up for IPTV

    2012? Not sure if Enigma2 had IPTV support in so old version. That version i linked earlier was for old version (v1). This is for v2 http://images.mynonpublic.com/openatv/current/index.php?open=dm500hdv2 You really should update to new image.
  13. F

    Dreambox 500 HD with Newnigma2; Setting up for IPTV

    I use the power button when i turn on the box and after a while it will show STOP with IP. After that you go to the browser and upload the file and wait until it's flashed. Don't do anything before that or it will fail.
  14. F

    Dreambox 500 HD with Newnigma2; Setting up for IPTV

    I recommend to upgrade to a new image and that will also solve the password problem. OpenATV is a good image http://images.mynonpublic.com/openatv/current/index.php?open=dm500hd
  15. F

    Enigma 2 Technical Issues

    And forgot you need to change bouquet name for 2nd server in iptv.sh script.
  16. F

    Enigma 2 Technical Issues

    rename one of the iptv.sh to iptv2.sh or something like that and add that to enigma2_pre_start.sh file.
  17. F

    Chrome Cast

    For Chromecast the stream need to be transcoded to a format that works on Chromecast. That can be done with Tvheadend + TVHClient on Android device for example.
  18. F

    VU+ and Dreambox subtiltes DVB

    That sounds more like an openpli on vu+ issue than rapid issue. Have you tried update the box? opkg update opkg upgrade Take a backup on important settings first in case something goes wrong.
  19. F

    VU+ and Dreambox subtiltes DVB

    Works for me on Dreambox with OpenPLi. You need to activate it with yellow button on all channels manually if you haven't configured automatic subtitles for Swedish, English etc in subtitle settings menu.
  20. F


    Yes you're right that cleaning cache is needed sometimes but that's better than slow startup.