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  1. Fripsy

    Kodi and VOD

    I decided to create an add-on anyway, because it will be useful to me... Once it is finished I will make it available to everyone. Don't ask me for a timeline on delivery, as time is limited for me now, this post is merely a teaser...:D This add-on should work on every Kodi/LibreElec install...
  2. Fripsy

    Kodi and VOD

    I know this is an old thread... but... Being fed up with the huge channel list (TV stations, movies, series, ...), I came up with a solution that filters TV, movies, series, etc. and creates files in the right places which Kodi can handle. The TV channel list now contains ONLY live TV...
  3. Fripsy

    IPTV Trial

    Kodi IPTV Simple Client Belgium