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  1. Jyrx

    EPG Issues

    Same problem with Estonian EPG, no special chatacters ä, ö ü. õ All scandinavian special characters missing also. Fully missing cyrillic letters in russian EPG
  2. Jyrx

    Mag351 not loading properly on this system

    Just change in portal link letters mag to cdn. Thats the trick! Do you have noblock firmware for 351 model? Can you share with me?
  3. Jyrx

    ESTONIAN channel sorting

    I would like to ask you to reorder ESTONIAN channels according to availability and importance - ETV EE Kanal 2 EE TV3 EE ETV2 EE Tallinna TV EE TV6 EE Kanal 11 EE Kanal 12 EE Taevas TV 7 EE The rest of channels can be as it is. So You can hold normal order as in major local terrestrial and...
  4. Jyrx

    Channel status on dashboard

    Hi, can not report, that Channel no 973 ETV EE is down, getting the following message - http://prntscr.com/lo52jx
  5. Jyrx

    VOD Issues

    VOD: TV Series On all series beginning from December MAG 254 getting error message - Server unavailable. Older serials is working
  6. Jyrx

    [Q&A] How to Be a Reseller?

    Thanks for answers. Just to make things clear - kick is forever? Does subscription prolong for disabled time?
  7. Jyrx

    [Q&A] How to Be a Reseller?

    Can anybody explain OPTIONS in the resellers panel: What will be result for "Kick User"? How often can enable/disable the customer? If account will be disabled for 3 days, does it affect finishing date? In ACTIONS - Is it really possible to send a message to the customer?