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  1. Orzabit

    MAG 256/257 Technical Issues

    I have the exact same problem on my mag254, i have tried many different things factory default, installing an older firmware and no matter what the volume is very low. Before the problem started i use put my soundbar on 9 out 50 and would be loud, after the update i have to put i at 40 out 50...
  2. Orzabit

    MAG 256/257 Technical Issues

    when you put power to the box try click the menu button or hold it down it should take you too the setup menu if not then it is broken
  3. Orzabit

    MAG 256/257 Technical Issues

    maybe this is not releated to your problem. But i have a problem on my mag254 after the latest firmware update with audio, both on live tv and on vods. On my soundbar before the firmware update i could turn the volume up to 7-10 out of 50 on a normal daily use, but after the firmware update i...
  4. Orzabit

    MAG 256/257 Technical Issues

    the only thing that works better with the original list is that it doesn´t lose connection when I quickly zap through the channels.except if I try to open a not working channel. then as I already said nothing works and I need to restart. It´s like the device loses connection to the service or...
  5. Orzabit

    MAG 256/257 Technical Issues

  6. Orzabit

    MAG 256/257 Technical Issues

    In some channels where subtitles are available you can press the "app" button in the remote to enable subtitles