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Recent content by bogdan

  1. B


    Instead of asking for more channels maby is better to keep what we have at a decent quality level.Unfortunately,in the last few mounth or even longer,we get tons of VOD nobody needs but the quality of the service is slowly but surely decreasing.The outstanding 4k sport channels was one by one...
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    rmc 1 4k + viasat ultra uhd issues

    they work only if there is nothing to see.if you wanna watch a game in primetime they are unwatchable
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    bein sport

    you'd better get them off the list than keep them in that state
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    bein sport

    what happened to bein channels, guys, they turned into a mess
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    Romanian channels fix

    Subscribe myself on the matter,please try to fix the issues described by maxmix.Thnx
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    IPTV Trial

    smart tv lg romania
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    [XtreamTV] Enigma2 Plugin

    Is it true that activating my vu+zero 4k mac adress will kill my other options of viewing like smart tv or phone? Thanx in advance for some answer