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Recent content by DonSoul

  1. DonSoul

    Client Dashboard

    I use in both devices the same m3u link. Is this not possible have to i use for example in one device the m3u link and in the other device something else? regards
  2. DonSoul

    Client Dashboard

    hi, i have bought two connections, but if i watch one connections on my tv and one connections on my smartphone, the connection on the tv stops -.- Have anybody the same problem?
  3. DonSoul

    Client Dashboard

    Hi i did this is the message: The requested data doesn`t match. regards
  4. DonSoul

    Client Dashboard

    hi, i can´t login to my dashboard. I got a failure message: Invalid usernam or password. But this can´t be right, my username and password are correct and i have many credits ... I have send a support request.