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Recent content by jonas36

  1. jonas36

    IPTV Smarters Setup

    I have the same problem, i have tried on many android devices and still not get the epg to work, is there any soulution for this? is there something wrong with the app?
  2. jonas36

    MAG 256/257 Technical Issues

    NOW it is working
  3. jonas36

    MAG 256/257 Technical Issues

    Do you have a photo of how to configure with M3u?
  4. jonas36

    MAG 256/257 Technical Issues

    same here , now i see the Magbox crazy too :)
  5. jonas36

    MAG 256/257 Technical Issues

    i just try to connect the tvip box to anohter provider, and it works , why can i not connect to rapid?
  6. jonas36

    MAG 256/257 Technical Issues

    Can it be that we get connected to different servers, and one server is not working well?
  7. jonas36

    MAG 256/257 Technical Issues

    have same problem too, not load .. TVIP boxes