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Recent content by joniale

  1. J

    IPTV Trial

    Device: Enigma2 Country: Germany
  2. J

    IPTV Trial

    Device: Enigma2 Country: Germany
  3. J

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    Hi, Have you seen my post 58? First, check that you installed correctly the plugin, (the zip has wrongly used lowercases in folder name), then you change the password and username together with the provide URL. In this thread the used URL of rapidiptv is...
  4. J

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    Hi i just wanted to confirm that this plugin XCplugin is working with OPENVIX 4.2. The plugin only allows to pause in VODs, live channels of course are not possible to pause. THe server can implement logos and EPG inside the plugin. However, you cannot use autotimers and search for any program...
  5. J

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    I had that (not showing) problem and I solved it as I said in the post link https://rapidiptv.com/threads/xcpluggin-epg-and-logos-on-enigma-2-devices-with-rapidiptv.1115/page-3#post-12089
  6. J

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    I had the same error problem with rapidiptv. I couldn´t solve it with OPENVIX. I can´t use the VMC plugin because i read that it is only for VTI.
  7. J

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    Maybe you should look at this video. It can help you to know if you did something wrong.
  8. J

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    I have achieved to make it work on OpenVix 4.2 It seems that the structure location on OpenVix image use upper case for the folder Plugin and Extension. So if you want to install the XCplugin on OpenVix make sure you modify the path of the plugin from the .zip provided on the first post FROM...
  9. J

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    For me it is not working on OpenVix 4.2. Which image version did you tried?. In my case, i can´t see the plugin in the plugin list. :disappointed:
  10. J

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    I guess the tutorial provided by rapidiptv to install iptv on enigma2 is only valid in case you have the original vu+ and enigma images that don´t support iptv. VIX, VTI images support already IPTV player...