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Recent content by PeterLang

  1. PeterLang

    Add new column in dashboard line overview

    Hi I have 3 lines and would like to have another field where I can enter a comment, such as first name, to better distinguish these lines. Or is this already existing and i do not see it?
  2. PeterLang

    Always buffer and Errors

    I am using Vodafone with 500mbit line .. how much can they slow it down?! I will try it with the VPN line this evening and see if something change
  3. PeterLang

    Always buffer and Errors

    What he is pointing at is that on huge international events the traffic is higher than regular, that means more user on server at same time.
  4. PeterLang

    Always buffer and Errors

    I have also NordVPN account .. but VPN slows down your connection so i do not activated it
  5. PeterLang

    Always buffer and Errors

    No, if i activate VPN then it would be much worser :)
  6. PeterLang

    Always buffer and Errors

    Hi guys, it becomces worse slowly... i get nearly on each tv channel buffer loading. I am using TiviMate on Cube box actually with Wlan. But same buffers comes with network cable. Change all settings completly up and down .. nothing really helps. But it is only with live tv, not series or...
  7. PeterLang

    Solution for bad connection with WLAN

    Hi Guys, it made me mad to have always 403 bad connection an my amazon box watching TV with WLAN. I have found this adapter that brings back the LAN. Amazon Ethernetadapter for Fire TV https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01LXP5TXI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have tested it...
  8. PeterLang

    EPG Issues

    Hi.. this Problem exists longer but isnt sollen yet. On these channels is alsways the EPF wrong... WBcomedy, WBserie and WBfilm Shows EPG of Law Order. Demeter epg, load New.. nothing works Channel Name: warnerBros Problem: wrong epg Country: germany Which type of device/ app: tivimate
  9. PeterLang

    Error message after posting

    Hi, since a time i get always an error message her when ich comment something or write a PM. Oops! We ran into some problems. A server error occurred. Please try again later. The posts appears after a short time .. but it is a bit annoying with the error message
  10. PeterLang

    No sound on some channels

    I had the same issue. Change the Codeway from Hardware to software or the other way around
  11. PeterLang

    SKY performance

    Hi Since a couple of days i get code403 error only on SKY channels .. all others working... is this a Server issue?
  12. PeterLang

    PP does not start anymore

    Update... with the new box all apps work now also PP. Crazy, it seems that was a bug in the amazon software ...
  13. PeterLang

    PP does not start anymore

    Thx, i have redete the box twice... still not working called amazon and sent thisnone back... a new one arrived this morning... so, lets try again
  14. PeterLang

    PP does not start anymore

    I am using amazon cube. It works fine until yesterday. Maybe an update by amazon, i do not know. Last chance is to reset the cube complete and make al setups again..
  15. PeterLang

    PP does not start anymore

    Hi, since today the pp does not start anymore. Delete Cache, delte data and stopp app ... no changes. Deinstall the app and reinstall the v1.5.9 (newest) --does not work. Reinstall the older version 1.5.8 the same bug, i click on the app, screen becomes black for 1 sec as it would start and the...