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Recent content by Rixkard

  1. Rixkard

    Best pc iptv software?

    Hi I've tried VLC and it just lists every single channel.. Is there any iptv software that is kind of like the ones on otherdevices where you can pick channels of country / like nanomid lets u even select football match. I tried progdvb also chaos playlist.
  2. Rixkard

    IPTV Subscription

    The duration for the Subscription: 1 moth to start The type of device you want use the Subscription on: PC The country that you are located in: Sweden
  3. Rixkard

    IPTV Subscription

    The duration for the Subscription: 1 month The type of device you want use the Subscription on:pc The country that you are located in: Sweden
  4. Rixkard

    IPTV Subscription

    The duration for the Subscription: 3 months The type of device you want use the Subscription on: PC / android (just need m3u epg) The country that you are located in: Sweden