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Recent content by Tony_081

  1. T

    MAG 250 Technical Issues

    hello, my Mag 250 is back but every 2 days I have to program again with jtag, although autoupdate is off. Where is the problem, my box does not take imageupdate from usb_ Thanks in advance
  2. T

    MAG 250 Technical Issues

    Board: MAG250 [32-bit mode] U-Boot 1.3.1 (Nov 7 2011 - 20:45:09) - stm23_0047 DRAM: 256 MiB NOR: 1 MiB NAND: 256 MiB In: serial Out: serial...
  3. T

    MAG 250 Technical Issues

    hello together, I have managed to get into life, but I still have a small problem, image about usb does not accept it, no image comes in USB, where is the error? Thanks to who can help me on
  4. T

    MAG 250 Technical Issues

    Until here I've done it but in the very first step I'm stuck in favor if you can help me, Thanks
  5. T

    MAG 250 Technical Issues

    Hi, I have a problem with a Mag 250 clone, I followed all the instructions, but I do not go any further where there is the transition with Hyperterminal, you can help me Thanks