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  1. S

    IPTV Trial

    Which device: Samsung SMART TV Which country: Sweden Trial
  2. S

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    Thanks, it looks great!! Perfect!! :blush:
  3. S

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    Okay then, many thanks!! When are you sending the skin file? Curious to try :grinning:
  4. S

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    To me it looks great! Thanks! How about the functionality? The user experience, the down button? Changing different countries/categorys? Can someone do this?
  5. S

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    Hi, very nice plugin! I am also wondering if there is any way to make the interface and user experience a little better? Like showing larger (more visible) channellist? Also go back from a category to another? When pressing down button while watching channel nothing happens? Only when...