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  1. D

    MAG: Technical Issues

    I have another mag box i got the server in it working great except for there is a little window that pops up and says ( please change source resoltion how do i fix this i tryed the factory reset where you unplug the box then plung it back in while holding the little button in and it does nothing
  2. D

    MAG: Technical Issues

    You are the man this did the trick thank you very much
  3. D

    MAG: Technical Issues

    How do I get to that page when my box is on the screen is blank no picture no nothing
  4. D

    MAG: Technical Issues

    when i plug in my mag254 it starts to load ,the loading bar moves across the page 1 time then freezs ,about 30 seconds later the screen goes blank and a little window pops up saying,,Please change source resolutions and this is all it does can someone help me with this