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  1. C

    Parental password

    Still cant get my parental pin password to unblock some of my movie and sport sections on iptv.
  2. C

    Parental password

    I'll try that
  3. C

    Parental password

    Everything works great on the other apps.i've deleted the playlist and uploaded it again.same problem.just wanted to know who put password on originally?
  4. C

    Parental password

  5. C

    Parental password

    I contacted samsung and they have said its nothing to do with them.they said contact my provider,but they said they dont supply a pin number.
  6. C

    Parental password

    I can only go up to 4 characters.
  7. C

    Parental password

    I recently purchased samsung iptv.only problem is on certain movie and sport sections its asking me for a parental pin,which i have never set up.i've tried 1234,0000,8888 etc.but nothing works.could anybody help me out.