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  1. Truquitos


    Main menu on top left corner. https://iptv.community/chat/
  2. Truquitos


    They have been fixing the EPG slowly. In the main chat they keep giving updates of countries they fixed.
  3. Truquitos


    Hi. Sorry I wrote (US and Canada) because that’s where I saw the problem. they are fixing the whole EPG.
  4. Truquitos


    they told me just now that the team is working updating picons and epg. should be good in a few.
  5. Truquitos


    I am having the same issue. wrong time on the tv guide and the EPG seems to be old information (EPG for US and Canada), Hopefully they are working on this matter.
  6. Truquitos

    Channel Request

    Name of Channel: PIX 11 Country: USA New York Kind of Channel: News Lyngsat Name: WPIX-TV Lyngsat link:https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/us/WPIX-TV.html
  7. Truquitos

    Channel Request

    Hello there, Name of Channel: Univision 41 Country: USA New York Kind of Channel: News Lyngsat Name: WXTV-TV Lyngsat Link: https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/us/WXTV-TV.html Thank You
  8. Truquitos

    Introduce Yourself

    hello! new to the community and loving the way I see TV and shows now!!
  9. Truquitos

    IPTV Trial

    Device: Fire Stick 4K Country: USA