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  1. S

    IPTV Trial

    Hello all, I need a trial list. Device: m3u for simple iptv on a Samsung TV. Location: Germany (german and turkish chanels wold be fine)
  2. S

    Kodi Technical Issues and Support

    I'll check it too :) Raspi is okay but not so fast like my c2.
  3. S

    Kodi Technical Issues and Support

    I experimented a while. I have a RASPI2 which I used before I bought the C2. I installed the lattest libreelec and tested it. with RASPI2 on same network with same configuration, I have no issue. As next, I installed libreelec on C2 and tested it, also with libreelec, I had the same issue...
  4. S

    Kodi Technical Issues and Support

    Will chekc it, but same issue is happening when I download the m3u file and open it as local list.
  5. S

    Kodi Technical Issues and Support

    You mean for the play list? need to check it, I'm using xtreme-editor to edit my playlist. Same list is working fine on my phone (android + kodi app or perfect player). On TV, it is not working :(
  6. S

    Kodi Technical Issues and Support

    I have a stange issue. I have coreelec on odroid C2. Since few days, I'm not able to start any iptv stream on tv. Only way to start the stream is, I start kodi in my andoid phone. Starting any channel and stopping it. After that, I can start any chnnel on TV, channel switching is also possible...