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  1. P

    Client Dashboard

    works fine for me, where u trying to login ? is it the new or old dashboard?
  2. P

    [Q&A] How to Be a Reseller?

    no kick is not forever, it's like all other servers and protocols kick mean "kick out user from the server in that moment" klient kan reconnect agin by restarting box och changing channal
  3. P

    [Q&A] How to Be a Reseller?

    answers: 1. user will loose connection while watching. 2. no limits 3. nothing will happen you can enable agin 4. not possible for now, in future maybe and that can be answered by admin
  4. P

    channels for exchange

    Hi I ordered OSN Full package 3 days ago and will get it soon. But I'm new on IPTV, just started my reseller business, I could exchange with you but don't know how and where to start :)