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  1. S

    VOD Issues

    Movie Name : justice league, dunkirk, blade runner 2049 Problem :doesnt work. When i tryck to play The my mag keeps rebooting Wich map:multisub Device/App: mag 254
  2. S

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Its original, got it to work
  3. S

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    i cant get it to work. when i upload a downloaded list and go to iptv channels in the mag it says "no iptv channels" And when i put in a url it works but its lagging as hell.
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    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Can i use the epg on siptv portal?
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    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Yes i did
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    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Can i give it to you or shall i send mail to rapid support? And i can use my m3u link?
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    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Ok. Witch portal is that? And does rapid need my Mac adress? Sorry for stupid questions but im a complete noob With mag.
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    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Hi guys. I just bought an mag 254. I have a m3u link i Was told i could but The m3u link on a usb stick and put it in the mag. But how do i do With The epg link?
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    Hi Thank you for The offer, but im a little short on money at the moment. But i will look up webgrab. Thanks again ☺
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    Hi Is there a way for me to Edit The epg to just swedish. Uk and us? So it just loads swedish, uk and us Channels?