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  1. J

    Swedish Channels

    SVT definitely broadcast in 1080p. What do you meen by saying that the difference between HD and FHD is 50fps? HD is 720p and FHD is 1080p fps is something else. SVT1 FHD SVT2 FHD 12 FHD Viasat History FHD V Film Action FHD V Film Hits FHD V Film Premiere FHD C more Hockey FHD C more Live4 FHD...
  2. J

    NPO 1, NPO 2, NPO 3 ETC DUTCH channels stutter

    What´s the point of doing that, wen the awnser is that they fixed the channel but they haven´t? I have reported channels like an idiot and always the same thing. "Channel fixed" but if you look it up, the channel that was reported is still 720p and sometimes @ 25fps also. The channel is supose...
  3. J

    Swedish Channels

    A majority of the FHD swedish channels are only 720p and not 1080p. It´s has been so for quite some time now. I have reported this thru the dashboard like a 100 times but nothing happens. I can only report it like wrong channel and it´s not possible to add a comment, about the issue. Is this...
  4. J

    Kodi Skin

    I like Confluence, i´ve used it for over 15 years tho.
  5. J

    Pool for VPN access

    VPN installed in computers and phone (CyberGhost)
  6. J

    Channel Request

    This channel was removed yesterday, don´t know why but would like it back. Name of the channel: NBCSN Country : us Kind of channel: Sports Lyngsat Link: https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/us/NBCSN.html
  7. J

    IPTV Trial

    Which device: Kodi Which country: Sweden