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Search results

  1. T

    ? on the logo

    Today i tried smart iptv:s test m3U. Worked great! Why not my m3U?
  2. T

    ? on the logo

    Hi! Have problems with my Smart IPTV after Samsung decided not to have the app anymore. I have loaded and installed a apk. The channel list is on, but not connetcting. The TV model is: UE49K5515AK. The M3U chanel linkis working on my Nvidia Shield and GSE IPTV(on my Iphone). - Its a big ? on...
  3. T

    IPTV Subscription

    How long: 1 months, longer if i am pleased Which device: Samsung smart tv(app: Smart Iptv) Which country: Sweden want swedish subtitles on cmore and viasat.
  4. T

    IPTV Subscription

    How long: 1 month Which device: Samsung Smart TV (with smart iptv) Which country: Sweden Want: - Swedish channels - Football/soccer channels who broadcast Premier League, Bundesliga and Serie A. - UFC - British channels - US channels
  5. T

    IPTV Trial

    Samsung Smart TV - Smart IPTV Want: Swedish channels football/soccer channels who broadcast Premier League, Bundesliga and Serie A. UFC British channels US channels
  6. T

    Introduce Yourself

    Hi! New here. I´m a football/soccer crazy guy from Sweden. So.... Gonna use smart IPTV on my Samsung and gonna buy a box to another tv.