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  1. T

    Smarters IPTV login credentials

    I will probably get an android box down the line, but for now, I would appreciate if this would work. Is there any way to register the DNS to get this to work?
  2. T

    Smarters IPTV login credentials

    Hi @Nonid and @Sense, I also seem to get the failed to authorize error message. I've spoken with my reselleer but he just recommended me to use some other player. I would like to get iptv smarters app on my to work since I have been running in to problems using the siptv app on my lg smart tv.
  3. T

    Channel Request

    Name of the channel: tln Country : Canada Kind of channel: (sport/news etc) Sport(serie a) Lyngsat Link: https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/ca/TLN.html
  4. T

    IPTV Subscription

    How long: 6 months Which device: LG Smart TV (Smart iptv app) Which country: Sweden