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    Amazon Fire TV 4K Stick / Smart IPTV (siptv) update

    The issue isn't solved yet. Some channels are still freezing. As you can see. https://github.com/amzn/exoplayer-amazon-port/issues/94 Hopefully Amazon fixes the issue.
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    Fire TV Technical Issues and Questions

    Hi! I bought four 4k Fire TV Sticks and every of that got the same problems with the same streams. Some Providers don't have streams who produce that issue. I never had a problems with streams from: edemtv ott.watch gomeltv shuratv some other providers maybe make problems with 5 - 15% of...
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    Fire TV Technical Issues and Questions

    Hello! I have the same issues with my fire TV 4K Stick. I tested a lot of apps like Perfect Player, GSE, Kodi and so on. I must say that the smart IPTV App is the most comfortable for me. Since it works perfect with my Fire TV Stick 2ndGen. And i use it for over three years. But now it is a...