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    [XtreamTV] Enigma2 Plugin

    What could be the problem?
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    [XtreamTV] Enigma2 Plugin

    I tried to install mipsel but get following error in Telnet Couln't find anything to satisfy '/tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_mips32el.ipk Unknown package '/tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_mips32el.ipk Collected errors: *opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package /tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_mips32el.ipk I copied XtreamTV...
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    [XtreamTV] Enigma2 Plugin

    I mean I have openpli 6.2 release now
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    [XtreamTV] Enigma2 Plugin

    Are you talking about original image or wich image would you recommend. I have at the moment open plan 6.2 release. Do I have to use mispel32? Or do you recommend an other image
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    [XtreamTV] Enigma2 Plugin

    Hello wich file do I have to download for the dreambox DM820HD mipsel32 or just mipsel? Thank you for your answer.