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  1. H

    HTTP 514 on IP - no service access

    It's a rapid IPTV panel.. -> my.iptv.community I'm talking with Rapid iptv support.
  2. H

    HTTP 514 on IP - no service access

    I own the panel :expressionless: :joycat: :joycat: I'm supposed to support myself ?
  3. H

    HTTP 514 on IP - no service access

    I've just installed new fiber optic cable i've been waiting for over 2 years. After i've switched service stopped working... Did some digging - attempt to retrieve channel list yielded HTTP 514 error. That's a non standard http response code. I've found a tencent thread that stated: 514 IP...
  4. H

    IPTV Issues - (Must read the first post before requesting help from the community)

    Hi, all Polish channels are down. What's the status ?
  5. H

    IPTV Subscription

    3 months Enigma2 Poland
  6. H

    IPTV Subscription

    How long: 1 month (testing) then extended to 3. Which device: Enigma 2 Which country: Poland