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  1. G

    Client Dashboard

    And for people who did not go through a reseller but through the website?...
  2. G


    Hey estiptvnet. I don't know if it's within your power to fix but is it possible for you to change the "&" to a regular "&" in your guides? Kodi doesn't seem to understand "&" as it should. Thanks.
  3. G


    You know... why didn't I think to ask for that lmaooo
  4. G


    Hey estiptvnet. A bunch of latin america channels were added today. Do any of your guides already cover these channels or is this something you have to work on. Thanks.
  5. G


    Thanks for all the work thus far estiptv. Is it just me or have some channels disappeared from the US section? I vaguely recall being able to see cartoon network, comedy central, fx, and some other channels a week ago. Thanks.
  6. G


  7. G


    Care to clarify on the difference between the "SCAND/EU/RU" vs the "SCAND/EU/RU/Rapid" guide?. Cuz to me the "SCAND/EU/RU" worked pretty darn good :)