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  1. M

    IPTV Smarters Setup

    SIPTV app is not based on an url but based on uploading a playlist which I do not have
  2. M

    IPTV Smarters Setup

    I do confirm it is not showing on my TV as I expected as it is an APK file
  3. M

    IPTV Smarters Setup

    This is an APK, will it be installable on samsung smart tv?
  4. M

    IPTV Smarters Setup

    the application itself is not on goagle, the one instead is totally different and asks me to upload a playlist while i do have only a username and password plus a url which been used in the application.exe on my PC
  5. M

    IPTV Smarters Setup

    Guys hello I can't find the application in the Samsung smart Hub applications, any help?