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  1. thyttel


    Obviously if he is asking in this forum it's obvious his provider is IPTV Stack And I think his point is EPG is basicly none existing. A few month ago they started adding coutries EPG. Then all of a sudden they stopped and now even those they added have gone down the drain. They don't seem to...
  2. thyttel

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Anyone can share how Stalker 5.3 is setup? When I add the mag portal to "server_domain" it just says can't find server?
  3. thyttel


    If you look inside the EPG file it looks like it's not beeing updated anymore. Last update was on June 21st
  4. thyttel


    Its not just Perfect player where it's not working. Not working in Kodi either. EPG is down.
  5. thyttel


    All EPG is down....
  6. thyttel


    Agree. Rapids EPG is still extremely lacking and unstable. @estiptvnet epg is the best option there is for epg right now. Just hope he will keep maintain and add to it as he seems to know what he is doing.
  7. thyttel


    I know yours is complete (almost) I was refeering to Rapids. Its quite lacking...
  8. thyttel


    Is Danish EPG supposed to be so incomplete? Alot of the channels are still missing epg
  9. thyttel

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    Is it possible to favorite channels with this plugin??
  10. thyttel


    How do you expect Mag to get EPG with estiptvnet's epg? There is no option to input epg on a mag so it will get it's epg from the portal and the provider which is rapids portal and has nothing to do with estiptvnet's epg? For his epg to work Rapid would have to incorporate it into their portal.