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  1. BrokenChaos

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Yes... The suggestion is... Reply back manually... AutoReply is just FAKE !!! Talk on the forums and dont just create a mod to talk for you Stand up, grow some balls and talk with your members and resellers
  2. BrokenChaos

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    No.. it means that their email server automatically generates a reply, whether they look at it or not. It gives the appearance its being handled.... From experience with Rapid, I am not overly confident in them as they still have no website, still remain relatively silent on the forum and to...
  3. BrokenChaos

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Sounds like a canned response
  4. BrokenChaos

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Mate... from experience, I have learned to walk away... go outside, have a walk and then tackle issues with a clear mind... On MANY occasions, I end up kicking myself as the solution is soo basic and simple, but I was to tired that I couldnt see it staring back at me :) I hope this helps...