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  1. Kielbear

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    I have this problem.. 3 clients + myself were using smarters pro.. all 4 have this problem that when trying to connect we get an onscreen message : Your account is invalid or expired! (all accounts are valid some from 2018) we all use the same isp.. have tried new passwords.. using vlc...
  2. Kielbear

    Client Dashboard

    If your using Chrome delete cookies..
  3. Kielbear

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    R********iptv seems to have taken a step back.. They appear to have stopped contact everywhere.. As you know the account was suspended from Twitter.. As you know. (PhilHtwit)? Also on Reddit not to be found.. I think tho at ** USD probably too expensive for a lot of people..r********streaming...
  4. Kielbear

    76 year old non-techie desperately needs help.

    Ok. np but Same idea applies.. I´ve clients in France i´ll ask them who their with and who´s reliable.. price etc and get back to you.. A few to choose from.. SFR.. NOS.. Orange.. Have a word with a local provider and see whats on offer in your area then change for a faster speed. I´d look at...
  5. Kielbear

    76 year old non-techie desperately needs help.

    Hi Merlin76, sorry to read about your wife hope she gets well soon. with the speed you mention most iptv companies will have problems in delivering an almost problem free service to you. The more download speed the more reliable the system is. Are you fixed to your provider? i had a look and...
  6. Kielbear

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    Two of my clients.. both Telekom have been mentioning that the buffering on the German channels is increasing (sometimes unwatchable). Other German Telekom clients using a Fritz box 7390/7490 haven`t had any problems... I´d put the problem down to the Speedport router.
  7. Kielbear

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    i prefer the 256 https://www.infomir.eu/eng/choose/
  8. Kielbear

    Client Dashboard

    The problem with my dashboard has turned out to be a problem using the dashboard with my Chrome browser. I´ve switched to IE and everything is working normally
  9. Kielbear

    Client Dashboard

    is the reseller dashboard down.. nothing happens when i put the address into my browser... stays like this: https://my.iptv.community/login
  10. Kielbear

    Client Dashboard

    I put in the search bar 00:1A:79: this brought up all the boxes with these numbers.. OK for now but not ideal. I like the new panel i only hope the small glitches will be sorted soon.. Thanks for the search tip
  11. Kielbear

    Client Dashboard

    All my clients are gone :dizzy: see what the service help comes up with