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  1. XODI

    New to IPTV community have question concerning IPTV smarter multiple screen "No arrangement found"

    That's because you have only 1 connection in your account. When you pay for 2/3/4 connenctions you will be able to use it
  2. XODI

    Lots of horses Very few Unicorns

    We are the supplier
  3. XODI

    Lots of horses Very few Unicorns

    Not Quantity but Quality
  4. XODI

    Lots of horses Very few Unicorns

    We have this for years already ;)
  5. XODI

    M3U Editing

    It's a tool, not advertisement, just try it
  6. XODI

    M3U Editing

    Try this mate: http://iptv-tools.com/home/start