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  1. telex

    server problem to send private message

    Is there a server problem to send message? I can not send a message to kkz ?
  2. telex

    my reseller

    how can I find my old reseller on the forum, all my private messages are deleted...?
  3. telex

    DAZN1 and DAZN2 germany

    will DAZN germany come back or is it hopeless?
  4. telex

    how secure

    how secure it is to use rapid? Is there any data saved?
  5. telex


  6. telex


    the same again right now...
  7. telex


    it seems to be fixed
  8. telex


    What is the meaning of "Sendeausfall" on some channels? (Prosieben FUn HD germany) (Sony TV germany)
  9. telex


    I have another big big problem: I can not login on laptop and on smartphone with the right pass and login! On PC it is working....with these pass and login. I get the message "wrong username or wrong pass"
  10. telex


    Has someone the url of dashboard, Im on holiday and have not my data....
  11. telex

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    I found it: Total Lines---> manage your lines--->bouquets.
  12. telex

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    I can not find the word bouquet? Only: Stats new line Manage Lines Channels Firewall Request Help Settings
  13. telex

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    and how Grizzly Adams ;-) ?
  14. telex

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    Can I delete groups on dshboard that I dont need , for example "VOD game of thrones"?