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  1. hhc

    Best enigma2 image?

    ik think openvision 9.2.
  2. hhc

    Enigma 2 Technical Issues

    current you can update !!
  3. hhc

    VU+ and Dreambox subtiltes DVB

    you can use it. https://iptv.community/threads/xtreamtv-enigma2-plugin.8257/
  4. hhc

    VU+ and Dreambox subtiltes DVB

    no not anymore
  5. hhc

    VU+ and Dreambox subtiltes DVB

    just with favorilijst or with plugin does not work properly. with dreambox of vuplus.
  6. hhc

    VU+ and Dreambox subtiltes DVB

    i also have them same problem.i have vuduo 2. with xc plugin was good.
  7. hhc

    Enigma 2 Technical Issues

    opendroid of openvix is better