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  1. chasqui

    Best player for subtitles on android

    Version 1.6 is out here http://sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/howto/android/ i think it supports subtitles
  2. chasqui


    Yes, just the ts to hls
  3. chasqui


    I can confirm that with the kodi setup, if the channel has subtitle data, it can be selected and works correctly. having said this there doesn't appear to be as many channels with subtitles as there are channels with alternative audio streams. by the way, the English audio stream appears to be...
  4. chasqui


    I have it in two android boxes at home. One is an h96 pro 3gb 16gb. The other one is a t95n (come to think of it, it could be a t95x - I'll have to check). This one has 2gb 16gb. i just followed the tutorial for setting up. I was using a build from Jayhawk media so I couldn't get the build to...
  5. chasqui


    I have the same issue with sound but when I get to one of these channels I use an external player that allows you to select a different audio stream if necessary. This can be mxplayer or extreme iptv pro i like the feel of smart iptv. That's why I'm sticking with it, but I do find some uk...