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  1. marcob

    Any android box that automatically refresh the IPTV list ?

    Hi guys, i have a formuler z8 but it does not refresh automatically the iptv connection to update the channel list of the portal connection? I would like to buy another iptv box that has this feature and also has the feauture that would allow me to record multiple channels at the same time...
  2. marcob

    The best IPTV player for PC and Android

    I have found another way that works for android phone. I downloaded iptv in playstore. iptv integrates with xmtv player. In iptv u can insert rapidiptv list and it loads all the channel list. U can then select the channel u want and it sents the streaming to the player you want (like xmtv player)
  3. marcob

    The best IPTV player for PC and Android

    Hi! Could you please help me in understanding how to load the list of rapidiptv channels in xmtv ? thanks!