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  1. S


    Hi, very easy way to do that! use xmlgrabplus from manyplay.de you can combine all countries in one guide.xml that are included in a webgrabplusplus siteini installation. detailed info how it works...
  2. S


    How i use XMLGABPLUS and XMLGRAB&STORE4ME: Both need a installed Webgrabplus+ and Siteini.pack. I use XMLGRABPLUS ones to generate my 2 days interval epg channel config file. Only 2 days because my tv with epg works on a tablet and more than 2 days are data intensive. With XMLGABPLUS i...
  3. S


    There is also a very easy way to generate a webgrab+ config file - galitone ;O) www.manyplay.de/xmlgrabplus
  4. S


    hi, there is a new window tool called xmlgrab&save4me on manyplay.de it generates and automates webgrabplus+ to create your personal epg guide.xml. also it distributes the epg data automaticaly to a cloud,ftp, lan or local drive destination. so you can reach your guide.xml in your local area...
  5. S


    Hi, there is a very easy to use tool to generate xmls by country and tv-site very good. xmlgrabplus