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  1. Scandix

    Time shift for Swedish channales

    How to set up Tvips 605 for time shift?
  2. Scandix

    Subtile Selection VOD

    Please fix so clients dont have to guess the subtitles that are not showing on screen when using Mag and Tvip-s box.
  3. Scandix

    VOD Multisubs

    The latest added VOD in "multi subtitles" has no poster covers and the ratings are not accurate for example the movie "Lasso" has a rating 7.2 but if you go to IMDB the rating is 4.6, a big difference. ??
  4. Scandix

    VOD Multisubs

    Is that really tru, i use Mag, då you mean that Mag box dont show all the subs?
  5. Scandix

    VOD Multisubs

    Its strange that scandinavian languages is so poorly represented as subtitles thow its a big clientel bas. Please make sure to add Swedish, Danish and Norwegian to VOD multisubtitle.
  6. Scandix

    4K VOD Multi Subtitles

    Is it true that 4k movies are coming in the coming weeks?