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  1. dragan88ar

    Script for EX-YU Chanel Sorting

    It does not store anything, I made it for my self. Here is the code, you can tweak it little bit to make what ever groups you want. <?php $AdresaListe=$_GET["listURL"]; // Adresa liste sa http:// echo $_GET["listURL"]; if (isset($_GET["listURL"])){ header("Content-Type: Application/m3u")...
  2. dragan88ar

    Script for EX-YU Chanel Sorting

    Sorting over my webserver: When loading your list, just put http://nidis.info/iptv/configurator.php?listURL= before your list URL with http:// example: http://nidis.info/iptv/configurator...a&password=PaSsWoRd&type=m3u_plus&output=m3u8 It generates groups: SRBIJA BOSNA HRVATSKA MAKEDONIJA...
  3. dragan88ar

    Ex-yu channels sorting

    Sorting over my webserver: When loading your list, just put http://nidis.info/iptv/configurator.php?listURL= before your list URL with http:// example...
  4. dragan88ar

    Ex-yu channels sorting

    I made php script for EX-YU sorting, if you have web server just edit extension to PHP and edit $AdresaListe and $sifra , to access it go to http://yourscriptaddress.php?pass=YourDefinedPassword If you dont have web server, I can make it available for everyone over my webserver...