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  1. Niceguy

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    Looks good, Can you pls send me the skin as well.. Any way to edit the channel list would be VERY usefull reseller feature Also the EPG timezone config is very annoying @ the moment any way to correct that? EPG info runs on local time of the broadcast not taken into account the time zone...
  2. Niceguy

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    OK have changed the user and pass and that works Now I have one question... Why do the streams play better in this plugin then when I generate a bouquet file and use them in the user bouquets? Do they use different players? Also this has some epg but the Bouquet stream does not The EPG is...
  3. Niceguy

    XCPlugin - EPG and LOGOs on Enigma 2

    Hi, Have a small problem with the plugin. Had this plugin with a trial line installed for an intrested customer. Customer has now subscribed and I gave him a new account with secure password... But the User and Password in the plugin are still those from the trial line.. I see no normal way...