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  1. R

    Brazilian/BR, Channels for restream 100% Stable - SD / HD / FULLHD

    Hi, we have a great source BR with all channels SD / HD / FULL HD, we have a very stable and reliable server, we only sell to restream! Stop now with your problems of instability, we are one of the best sources in Brazil! If you are interested please send a private message so we will contact...
  2. M

    Sale: Brazilian Portuguese Channels (No Exchange selling only)

    Price for re-stream 10 connections = 50€ /month 20 connections = 90€ /month 50 connections = 200€ /month 100 connections = 300€ /month 200 connections = 550€ /month 300 connections = 800€ /month 400 connections = 1000€ / month for example: 100 connections that mean you can use 100 channel at the...
  3. kevincostner

    Brazilian Channels - Fonte Local

    Brazilian Channels 350 channels SD+HD and some FULL HD. local. 4 USD per connection
  4. M

    Brazilian Channels To Reshare[130+]

    I've 130+(HD and SD) brazilian channels, I can do affordable price for the first 5 customers. PM me with you want to test. I can delivery the channels in mpegts(.ts) and HLS(.m3u8).