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  1. localcenter

    ★Local★ Germany complete - Telekom - Magenta - Sky Germany - Sky Sport - HD / FHD

    Test by private message...!!!
  2. shone12345

    Bulgaria Local Exchange

    Hi i have local Bulgarian with 20h Uptime and need German local with the same uptime or Ex-Yu.
  3. Nonid

    German Channels Sorting

    Hello all, We want to update the German channel sorting. If you think that the channel order must change, then please provide a channel-list with the best sorting of the German channels. After that, I will make a poll, and the best channel-list with most votes will be sent to the Admin to...
  4. W

    Sky Sport channels (german)

    Hello, I have a problem with rapidiptv. All channels are working fine or with minor problems, but the german sky sport channels 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 are not working at all. I allready requested it and was said that they should work and I should change the dns server to (what is the...
  5. fascinity

    German channel sorting

    Hi, Recently I was able to test your service. Thank you for the great experience @Rapid IPTV ! I noticed that the German package includes 14 home-shopping channels... oh my, who needs homeshopping??? And other channels 2, 3 or 4 times, same channel, just from another region... not necessary...