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how to run restream services for my users


New Member
Aug 1, 2020
Hi guys .
I am wondering how can I setup an iptv restream panel .for example I have 10 iptv accounts and I want to restream these10 channels for using on my app . I have limited user and I don't want to sell iptv account I just one to restream these 10 channels and get m3u8 output links and use this links on my apps . What is the best way to do ? I tried this with a linux server and using ffmpeg to restream.I open 10 ssh and with every of them run ffmpeg restream code and I got m3u8 link . but I think is not good idea but the process stop to much . and I should to check the process every hours and this make my user annoying .
Can someone help to find good solution something automatically?