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Old Nividia Shield lagging


New Member
Sep 14, 2022
Hello everyone. New to the Iptv community.
I have the Nvidia Shield 2015, and I`m using Tivimate premium, and it is lagging on videos(using a Samsung smart tv) and not in audio. Tried using another app on my Windows gaming pc, and it ran perfect. Both devices are connected to an ethernet cabel running 350Mbps.
Is it possible that the Nvidia is outdated?
Thanks for any advice.
Will do, but I already have Rapid IPTV:sweatsmile:
I see that you have only 40 minutes from joining forum.. I'm littel confused.. Lol

Anyway try to reduce playlist and remove all unwatched bouquets

And install vlc player

Try that if didn't help then buy firestick or xiaomi mi box s.
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Reactions: Fozzy
Did you also set hardware decoding in settings? also notice that latest version of Tivimate has some problems with working, try to downgrade to version 4.4.0
@Fozzy did you ever get your lagging issue sorted?

I use a Samsung smart TV / Tivimate / Shield 2017 combo and it works great. There seems to be little hardware differences between the 2015 / 17 shield (CPU/RAM the same) so I suspect your device is not the issue.

If I experience lag or connection issues switching VPN locations is my first port of call, this usually fixes the issue. Are you using a VPN?
It's advised to use a VPN if you can, both for privacy and connectivity advantages.

I don't get a steady stream connection with the shield if the VPN is off, works great when it's on though.