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Watch-out: Only make a deal with a Verified ReSeller


Staff member
Sep 25, 2015
Reseller ID

Dear Members,

It has struck us that there are members offering a service other than ours, please watch out off who you buying your IPTV subscriptions!

❗ Always watch out if someone contacts u via private message without asking for it❗
Only make a deal with a Verified Seller which known by Blue Font Color on their usernames and Reseller TAG on their profiles.

If you receive a PM (private message) with an incomplete website link (e.g., with spaces) or an IPTV recommendation in PM, use the "report" function. Most new users who "joined" recently and PM you are likely scammers. Stay away from scammers and help protect our community by reporting any private messages from users without the blue reseller badge. Additionally, asking to get in contact via Telegram or other platforms is also a risk of scam. Please use the PM (private message) function within this forum platform and "report" any suspicious behavior. Thank you!

If you get any other offers or get spammed, please use our report function.
Let's work together against Spammers, Scammers, and fakers!

If you not sure if he is a Verified Reseller, use the report function and we'll check it for you.

Resellers or Members do not spam members with trial accounts or any kind of offers.

  • Any reseller/ member who spams users will be banned. First time for 1 week.
  • This ban would be permanent if the spamming continues after the probation period.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Forum Rules:
Warning points: https://iptv.community/threads/warning-points.7293/

Normal User >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Verified Reseller