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xstream editor: VOD issue


New Member
Jun 10, 2017
Hi all,
I have a m3u url from a supplier here that generates groups with xstream editor. However, the VOD groups are created as iptv tv channels only and not as VOD movies. A solution could be to create an API line in xstream editor but it doesn’t let me (there is no port number in the m3u url). Any help would be appreciated on how to get xstream to recognize the VOD movies would be much appreciated. Thanks.
hi you can add them stream by stream,
open a new group
select movies
add channel
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Hi, when I try to create a new group with this m3u list, it doesn't give me the option of changing content (ie., IPTV, movie, series).
with me everything is OK With VOD, You have to make a new template and sorted by yourself xtream-editor, or Then you can edit your line then, I wrote once more early I posted API server link But from forum moderator odar admin Not posted here if You Info Mer Will you write me in PN
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