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Recent content by Hekuran

  1. Hekuran

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Yessssssssssssssss, it works thanks Rapidiptv
  2. Hekuran

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    what happens? any new info from rapidiptv
  3. Hekuran

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Now I had 15 calls from clients still nothing happened
  4. Hekuran

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Is there anyone who has received replies from Rapidiptv when they should fix url portal for Mag device
  5. Hekuran

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    You think so:D
  6. Hekuran

    MAG 250 Technical Issues

    It has not to do with it, the problem is rapidiptv them must fix url portal to work with latest update
  7. Hekuran

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Yes, and this too mag.rapidiptv.com:8080/c
  8. Hekuran

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

  9. Hekuran

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Where is rapidiptv admin please answer do you work with it, Dem Most of my clients have Mag device what shall I say to them, PLEASE:mad:
  10. Hekuran

    MAG 250 Technical Issues

    Please submit e ticket so rapidiptv know it's a big problem and hope they fix it soon
  11. Hekuran

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Yes, it has to do with rapidiptv for any other provider works well
  12. Hekuran

    MAG 250 Technical Issues

    Same here Mag 254:mad:
  13. Hekuran

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    It's not your fault rapidiptv must be ready for the new version All my clients have Mag device on auto update, you can imagine what happens if not, rapidiptv fix it soon
  14. Hekuran

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    Come on admin, an answer please, why show Your STB is blocked
  15. Hekuran

    Mag 245/322 Technical Issues

    why show it on my Mag my stb is blocked contact the provider I have subscriptions wtf