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Recent content by MasterSurfer

  1. M

    Client Dashboard

    Status works! You have to click first on the grey button and will see, if line is connected. But you first have to click on. You do not need to provide new links after switching to the new dashboard.
  2. M

    Client Dashboard

    Read the post from Rapid TV Swiss above!
  3. M

    Client Dashboard

    Thank you for the info. br
  4. M

    Client Dashboard

    today i migrated to the new dashboard. Problem: the status, wether my clients are online or not and the channel they are watching, is not working. The gray dot stays gray and do not become green?! If i click on the gray dot the dashboard says, that the cliebt is offline, although the...
  5. M

    Iptv app (android box) with programming

    The problem is not with your Box or Kodi Jarvis?! The problem is with the epg-link! Goto System->Settings->Addons->user addons->pvr addons-pvr iptv simple client->config and replace the epg-link w/ the following one: http://estiptv******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/epg/EU_guide.xml.gz Then you will see all is fine...
  6. M

    Perfect Player Technical Issues and Support

    To change aspect ratio to 16:9 e.g. you have to open the main menu and choose the camera icon. Then you can stretch/set the aspect ratio to whatever you need.