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Client Dashboard


i can´t login to my dashboard.
I got a failure message: Invalid usernam or password.
But this can´t be right, my username and password are correct and i have many credits ...

I have send a support request.
i think it's the wrong thread, but did you use already the forgott pw option? so you an email will send you, to reset it.


Hi i did

this is the message: The requested data doesn`t match.

how can i delete trials in my dashboard which I dont extend? my list is getting longer and longer and i want to get rid of the ones who won´t use the service.
I put in the search bar 00:1A:79: this brought up all the boxes with these numbers.. OK for now but not ideal.

I like the new panel i only hope the small glitches will be sorted soon..

Thanks for the search tip
Hi. Could someone please explain to me what is the reason why I would want to add a connection to my existing line? I read the thread in the Reseller section but still have some questions. What do I get by having 2 connections on 1 line? From what I read I can't use the 2 connections from the same IP address. Does it make sense to add a connection on my present line and give it to a client instead of creating a new line for him/her. I apologise in advance if I posted this in the wrong thread.
Page manage lines not available , will be fixed today , but if you search for some line you will find it and can edit , extend add mag or what you need.
hi, i have bought two connections, but if i watch one connections on my tv and one connections on my smartphone, the connection on the tv stops -.-
Have anybody the same problem?
hi, i have bought two connections, but if i watch one connections on my tv and one connections on my smartphone, the connection on the tv stops -.-
Have anybody the same problem?

No i just tested my two accounts at the same time without any issues.
Make sure that you that you dont use the same account by mistake.
hi, i have bought two connections, but if i watch one connections on my tv and one connections on my smartphone, the connection on the tv stops -.-
Have anybody the same problem?

No i just tested my two accounts at the same time without any issues.
Make sure that you that you dont use the same account by mistake.

I use in both devices the same m3u link.
Is this not possible have to i use for example in one device the m3u link and in the other device something else?

hi, i have bought two connections, but if i watch one connections on my tv and one connections on my smartphone, the connection on the tv stops -.-
Have anybody the same problem?

No i just tested my two accounts at the same time without any issues.
Make sure that you that you dont use the same account by mistake.

I use in both devices the same m3u link.
Is this not possible have to i use for example in one device the m3u link and in the other device something else?


You cant use the same link in two devices at the same time.
There must be a different username and password in the file.

To clarify one bought account can be used in several devices and different link formats, but you can only use one at a time.
No i just tested my two accounts at the same time without any issues.
Make sure that you that you dont use the same account by mistake.

I use in both devices the same m3u link.
Is this not possible have to i use for example in one device the m3u link and in the other device something else?


You cant use the same link in two devices at the same time.
There must be a different username and password in the file.

To clarify one bought account can be used in several devices and different link formats, but you can only use one at a time


I just noticed that there are a new multisub account now, so if this is what you have bought!
You can disregard my comments and should take this to the support.
The problem with my dashboard has turned out to be a problem using the dashboard with my Chrome browser. I´ve switched to IE and everything is working normally
today i migrated to the new dashboard.

Problem: the status, wether my clients are online or not and the channel they are watching, is not working.

The gray dot stays gray and do not become green?!

If i click on the gray dot the dashboard says, that the cliebt is offline, although the client watch tv. I test this w/ my own andoid tv box.

br, MasterSurfer
status option will be fix very soon.
Thank you for your pacient and sorry for the inconvinience.

Any news on status for dashboard??
Also, if I extend line with new dashboard, do I have to provide new link to clients ( with other DNS)? - hope not!

Status works! You have to click first on the grey button and will see, if line is connected. But you first have to click on.

You do not need to provide new links after switching to the new dashboard.
I need to get login info for the dashboard for my fathers account, but my reseller, earnmonitor, hasnt been logged in since sep 3 so I cant reach him..?

What do I do..can anybody help me..?!?