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Recent content by Vespasian

  1. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    Added USNOWTV Directv V4 available - fixes all current issues. Xaccel Codec now cracked! No more monthly fees!
  2. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    added: Globoplay Brazil, Premier Sports UK
  3. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    To the Moderator who keeps deleting my posts: Can you show me in the forum rules you can't micro post (whatever that is)? I was simply posting updates about my products (that is the point of threads in a forum isn't it?) If I have a new product to offer consistent with previous products or...
  4. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    I think you mean to say "Vespasian installed my system, fixed it and made it work, thank you" You are welcome.
  5. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    You need to add me on session to receive the update. Check your messages.
  6. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    Well that isn't the same as NOT RECEIVING A SCRIPT AND GETTING SCAMMED IS IT? I also dont remember ever selling anyone a TVPlus script except the guy who it was originally made for but that was over a year ago and he is NOT YOU. If you have the script then simply upload the script to your...
  7. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    Added oqee.tv (around 600 French Channels)
  8. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    Which scripts did you attempt to buy? Send me the TXID or account you sent your USDT to as proof by DM and I will gladly resend you your scripts. No one has ever ordered from me and NOT received what they paid for! So I'm calling B.S
  9. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    Bullshit. We never did any business at all! Post the TX link or screenshots.
  10. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    Are you sure you are posting in the right thread? Post proof.
  11. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    Thank you Sir. Dazn is now updated, anyone buying the latest version will also get the o11 script with it. *** Attention moderator: Stop combining my posts/updates into one post! Updates to scripts are time sensitive! If you combine my posts regarding updates they all appear to from Dec 3rd...
  12. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    SL3000 certs for sale from various devices with/without devicetypeID's. Added Foxtel, NBA Gamepass EU (All games) Added FocusSat and PrimaPlay (Romania) Updated Dazn again Added more Sl3000's with deviceTypeID. Updated Dazn again also. Added Bein Connect, TOD STV, DSTV Africa o11 scripts
  13. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    Optus updated to support SL3000
  14. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    Again posting nonsense. You are reselling stolen scripts and give no support because you are a retard.
  15. Vespasian

    Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

    You already had your ass handed to you in the discord channel. No point posting here buddy. You were sold a WORKING L1 CDM and you nuked it because you are a retard. The boys in the channel confirmed its still working so take your nonsense elsewhere!