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Special Sale: Worldwide DRM Keys + MPD Links

See what I wrote before. I bought a TVplus script. It did not send me an installation text. He deleted it and blocked it. It's been 6 months and I still haven't been able to install it.
I installed my system, fixed it and made it work, thank you
To the Moderator who keeps deleting my posts:

Can you show me in the forum rules you can't micro post (whatever that is)?
I was simply posting updates about my products (that is the point of threads in a forum isn't it?)

If I have a new product to offer consistent with previous products or updates, how exactly am I supposed to post about it? We can't edit our existing posts.
Directv V4 available - fixes all current issues.
Xaccel Codec now cracked! No more monthly fees!
Generally it works like this:

My scripts (Keys/Mpd links) + Xaccel Codec Panel + XUI Customer panel --> End user/customer
Hello Everyone,
I need help to understand how it works Live channel Link + DRM Panel + XUI server? Is the Xaccel codec works on DRM scripts or does it need DRM panel separately?
Can someone share the flow chart to achieve this?
